Friday, May 18, 2012

11 Interesting Effects of Oxytocin |

THC is not the only drug produced by the body, however pharmaceutical improvement of Ocytocinis addictive, destructive and prone to abuse.  Marijuana much better and will stimulate the same area of the brain.  You also produce mass quantities of MDA, the drug in Ecstasy.  Those pills do wicked things, the natural highs of the body keep us alive and healthy; pills are processed and are toxic for the body.  Do not think by taking a pill it will improve your life in any way without consulting your doctor.  Do I sound hypocritical when I sound off about Pharmaceuticals while promoting Marijuana? It is a crazy world.  The plant grows and is for the most part, unprocessed.  It does not have the same destructive power as the processed stuff; or rather I should say, I have never personally proven it to be as destructive as abused pharmaceuticals can get.

11 Interesting Effects of Oxytocin |

Saturday, April 28, 2012

City council calls for pot regulation

We need to work on PG City Council...  We do need to start the movement too better the Northern Interior of British Columbia and the Yukon.  Coincidentally; that is the range of the MS Clinic based at the University Hospital of Northern BC; as well as the newly rapidly developing Korban Lodge for Cancer Patients....  Both communities are very aware of the healing properties of cannabis  for not just their population; some think it to be a preventative measure against serious illness .

City council calls for pot regulation

Friday, April 27, 2012

HowStuffWorks "Introduction to How Marijuana Works"

Pretty non-scientific explanations on how Marijuana (Cannabis-Hemp) works and why the planet and its' inhabitants enjoy it sooo much.

HowStuffWorks "Introduction to How Marijuana Works"

Tax marijuana, says B.C. mayors' coalition - British Columbia - CBC News

Makes perfect sense if communities want to survive and prosper.  Seems ridiculous to have to slave to Big Oil contaminating our land when by taxing Marijuana (AKA Cannabis-Hemp) that would encourage local Hemp production as well as self-sustaining a medicinal and provincial wellness industry.  

This would be sooo profitable for Prince George to encourage Hemp Cultivation to supplement their Bio-fuel supply without affecting the food balance.  Other Hemp farmers could stretch their food, clothing, health and wellness budget with Hempen products; still others would produce the medical strain needed by the "pharmaceutical" outlets for Prince George's growing medical community.  Have you seen the complex developing by UNHBC?

Presently, "No corn for you, we need those ears from your plate to travel!"  It all starts with the legalization of Marijuana, which should never have been made illegal in the first place!!!!  Then toss a Non-Flammable ear of corn on the barbie! Booo-Ya
Tax marijuana, says B.C. mayors' coalition - British Columbia - CBC News

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hemplands Conspiracy - YouTube

 An interesting video, "To know Hemp is to love Hemp".  A direct sibling to medicinal Cannabis-Hemp, the plant has the power to repair the damage done by over a century of abuse since the late industrial age to present.  Imagine the possibilities. Good for the environment, great for the planet and the inhabitants.  Spark up that medicine and chillax with some popped cannabis corn and enjoy the entire history of Hemp in all its' users and the reasons behind ts' present criminalization in the USA.  A waste is a terrible thing to brain.... *Grin*

Hemplands Conspiracy - YouTube

Friday, April 20, 2012

Hemp uses, information facts

It has been a while since I blogged here.  I apologize for the delay in posting if any one was following me.  I got my Canadian MMJ License last March; Way cool, but I have seen no advantage to having it yet...  I have been researching  Marijuana (AKA Cannabis-Hemp) and Blogging at a new blog under the handle "BCBud" while attempting to set up  Happyman's Hemp ShopI also Blog for my local  CARP Chapter this year (2012)  but so far I have not tried to influence Marijuana talk and Industrial Hemp is legal in Canada, needing no advocacy help

Do you know that medicinal quality Hemp (AKA what you know as Marijuana) are simply industrial females who are allowed to flower when separated from the males.  To truly know Mary Jane, you have to get to know her whole family and what Hemp's true purpose on this planet is.  Be well and use Cannabis for way more than it's medicinal / recreational uses for total health!Enjoy the read below and please comment!!!

Hemp uses, information facts