Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Chemical in Marijuana to Slow Multiple Sclerosis?

How does Medical marijuana affect a high percent of MS Patents? How does it work? Why does it work? They are not certain however they are studying it... I love "About.Com" for accurate information :)

Chemical in Marijuana to Slow Multiple Sclerosis?

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sativex information

This site has good information about Sativex, which is a non-psychoactive byproduct of Cannabis, a proven non-addictive effective painkiller that does not make you high. It is available for Multiple Sclerosis, Canada was the first nation to approve it. 

I personally think that using pot without the high is like drinking non-alcoholic beer but apparently it does work. In Canada, Sativex is not covered by any medical insurance. It is an approved medicine worth about $50 (Cdn) for a month supply. Ask your Doctor (GP or Neuro) or Pharmacist for more information and to obtain the product.

For direct Canadian information on   Sativex:

From the UK where it has just been approved:  Daily News for Neuros, Nurses & Savvy Patients!: GW Pharmaceuticals Sativex Cannabis is Psychoactive Free

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Cannabis Videos

All sorts of Video entertainment dedicated to educating you about the use of Cannabis. Enjoy!

Cannabis Videos

Most of the videos are American based, however supporting those efforts will strengthen our efforts across Canada.  It is a strange way of doing business but their biased laws against Hemp / Cannabis  regulate our Canadian way of doing things.  Here is a sample video:
"Introduction to Cannabis Hemp".  

Thursday, June 17, 2010

1st Question

How would you like to see some information about the relationship between Medical Marijuana (AKA "Medical Marihuna") at a future "Prince George Multiple Sclerosis Wellness Day Event" (open to citizens affected by Multiple Sclerosis in Northern British Columbia and the Yukon. Email your support or post a comment below.

The MS Society of Canada does not endorse this medicine (or any other) but many members of it's large community use it as medicine. The MS Clinic attached to the University Hospital of Northern British Columbia estimates roughly 40% of their patients use this medicine. At the last meeting of the Prince George MS Self Help group (which is not affiliated with the Society or the Clinic), we decided that we would like to find out more about Medical Marijuana. The word "wellness" when used in medical terminology that we understand includes the use of natural unprocessed plant species (Including Hemp - Cannabis). We should have a guest speaker who can explain its' use and demystify it for us; there has been far too much misinformation drilled into us.

Making Medical Marijuana Concentrate

Cool... Concentrated for cooking, smoking or Vaporizing
Making Medical Marijuana Concentrate