Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Is Cannabis a Medicine or Abused Drug? | Wall Street Stocks | New York Stock Exchange | Wall Street |

This is one of the barriers to legalization for all of North America. In my personal life, I am asked this question from many people, it is also one I have asked myself from time to time. This is from New York, but like MS, Information on what is considered in many States and Nationally in Canada as Multi-Medical conditions including Multiple Sclerosis is world wide as well. Leave your opinions below

Is Cannabis a Medicine or Abused Drug? | Wall Street Stocks | New York Stock Exchange | Wall Street | "- Sent using Google Toolbar"

One point I noticed but I was un-able to comment on the blog-

This implies Marijuana to be more dangerous then Tobacco.  This is a proven lie.  Marijuana (in over 5,000 years of use) has never been conclusively proven  to be the cause of death in any case; other then violently as in car accidents and prohibition caused "Protection".  How many has Tobacco killed just this hour?