Saturday, August 14, 2010

History not taught in High (sic) School

List of United States politicians who admit to cannabis use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

While growing up and being educated in British Columbia, I learned that Canada's laws on Marijuana mirror laws set out by the American Government. I would toke recreationally during my "misspent youth" never knowing if it was doing harm or not, always looking out for the long arm of the law. I gave up after I turned 19 and set about creating a life that would be comfortable for myself in an alcohol fueled world.

I set upon traveling along life's roadway, never too far from the pot culture and always aware of my connections to a hardened batch of so-called criminals. In May of my 33rd year I wook up 1/2 blind while living life in some sort of discomfort, employed in Prince George BC. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in June of the next year (2000).

I had been weed free for the better part of 2 decades (with an occasional toke to sleep during fires I fought years before). 2 years post diagnoses I decided to try it again. It had a favorable reaction. I researched it online. I was overwhelmed by the amount of legitimate information praising it. It is proven to help society. How could it help me? I pushed the wire and quit smoking in 2005. Weed helped with that. Some said I replaced the habit. Could be- but at least I do not support tobacco use any more! Weed has never been known to kill anyone directly like Tobacco kills thousands per year.

When people asked, I promoted it. Some people reacted with horror; some support agencies and medical support refuse to admit it exists in their culture. Now, the Americans have a president who admits to toking and Canada's Medical Marijuana program is public knowledge. California leads the way in the USA to do the whole legalization thing; a few other states are doing the same. British Columbia will lead the way to a new future fueled by Hemp over Petroleum once things change south of us!

List of United States politicians who admit to cannabis use - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "

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