Sunday, August 15, 2010

MS Society of Canada views on MMJ

Through the Prince George MS Self Help group & Chapter (and the community of Prince George at large), I have seen a variety of attitudes concerning the use of Marijuana for any reason. Due to my personal belief in this plant I have been criticized and shunned from elements of society, most of which I had no desire to be in. It has denied me places to live in the past and paid employment. If I had a drinking problem I would have been treated better. Society has been prejudiced against hemp for almost a century now, many generations have had it drilled into them that Marijuana is an evil drug that has no place within our society and users are Junkies.

In research I have done online (*mostly American sourced) I have seen that Hemp (family of vegetation which Marijuana- AKA Cannabis - belongs to) has a multitude of benefits for society. In MS, Medical Marijuana relaxes muscles and reduces the pain felt by patients. The depression we feel may be lifted by ingesting Marijuana via smoking, vaporizing or eating. The MS Society of Canada has done some research on how Marijuana reacts to MS here: MS Society of Canada - MS Research. Not everyone is benefited by Medical Marijuana.

By eating Hempen products such as bread or cereal & other products made from Hemp flour we are sure to have a ballenced diet high in anti-oxidents and essential fatty acids which strengthens the body against flareups. Hempen products are not psychoactive, you will not get high from them. They may even prevent or eliminate Cancer cells from the body by providing a rich wellness source. The oils from the Hemp plant are rich in the oils our skin needs to retain that youthful look; hair washed in Hemp shampoo is shiny and full of life. Don't knock it until you try it, it is an important wellness product.

The MS Society of Canada and the MS Self Help groups do not recommend or endorse any treatment or procedure but we all feel you should be aware of treatments and wellness products available so you can make an informed choice. Use caution when trying anything and never change any prescribed treatments or take any medications with out your doctor's knowledge. Be well.


  1. It only makes sense to use an organic substance that we have a genetic link to, as opposed to being a lab rat for big pharma.
    BUT...hey,it's your body.

  2. Yes, THC (from the whole plant) mimics a substance our bodies produce for overall wellness. Pharmaceuticals have an overall long term negative effect on society causing abuse and addictions.
